Monday, 2 March 2015

Iraq Begins Offensive to Recapture Tikrit From ISIS - New York Times

New York TimesIraq Begins Offensive to Recapture Tikrit From ISISNew York TimesBAGHDAD — The Iraqi military, alongside thousands of Shiite militia fighters, began a large-scale offensive on Monday to retake the city of Tikrit from the Islamic State, a battle that could either deepen the country's bloody sectarian divide or become a pivotal …Iraq moves against Islamic State in TikritBBC NewsIraqi forces launch to retake city of Tikrit from Islamic StateLos Angeles TimesIraqi forces launch offensive to take strategic city from Islamic StateWashington PostTIME -Christian Science Monitor -CNN Internationalall 717 news articles »

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Iraq Begins Offensive to Recapture Tikrit From ISIS - New York Times

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