Monday, 2 March 2015

​William Shatner: Why I didn't attend Leonard Nimoy's funeral - CBS News

Palm Beach Post​William Shatner: Why I didn't attend Leonard Nimoy's funeralCBS NewsWilliam Shatner took to Twitter to explain why he couldn't attend Leonard Nimoy's funeral on Sunday in Los Angeles. He first posted a couple of tweets explaining the reason behind his absence, but after The New York Daily News dubbed the "Star Trek" actor …See how Canadians are turning their money into Spock tributesFortuneLeonard Nimoy, 'Star Trek's' Spock, dead at 83DallasweeklyWilliam Shatner feels 'awful' about missing Leonard Nimoy's funeralNewsOK.comAllentown Morning Call -New York Daily Newsall 735 news articles »

Source: News

​William Shatner: Why I didn't attend Leonard Nimoy's funeral - CBS News

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